This is me.


And I look good. Because, f*ck you, that’s why. Picture taken by Bat Sheva Creations (Facebook). I had just gotten my French Bulldog, Marie, and decided to have some pictures taken by a pro for dating profiles etc. Make-up: Bat Sheva. Dress: Hell Bunny. Hair: 100% natural. And I don’t care my teeth aren’t snow-white, I don’t care you can see I’m big from the neck down, I don’t care you can see the dumb “PMS made me smash a window” scar or the even dumber “I like that band, let’s get their logo tattooed on my hand” tattoo. I got a Hell Bunny dress and a  Frenchie with one blue eye, and you don’t LOL. Because let’s face it, I represent the painful truth that fat people can be beautiful. Deal with it. I can’t get over the mystery of why fat people are collectively dismissed as ugly, when slim people with ugly faces get a chance for being slim. I’d rather be fat-assed than huge-nosed or meth-teethed. I mean no disrespect to people who would be considered ugly by others; I am trying to say: apparently fat people cannot be beautiful, and slim people cannot be ugly – while both statements are incorrect. Can you look at someone with a beautiful face and tell them they’re ugly because their ass needs a plus-size pair of pants? Or because their belly has an extra roll? Contrarywise, would you tell a person with an “ugly” face that they’re pretty because their weight isn’t striking? Makes no sense. If I were getting a little less hate – okay, a lot less – I would not feel bad about my body at all. I only do because society won’t let me feel any other way. Any moment of confidence and self-love is ended by a bunch of people showering me in dirty looks or calling “whale” at me. Does this face look like a whale’s? 1240599_206194872889984_522255070_n

Fellgood Bullcrap

I recently read this phrase a lot on Facebook:

“I’m not fat. When he created me, God just liked me so much that he decided to enlarge me.”

Right. At first glance, that sounds sweet and comforting. Then again, if God really loves me, why doesn’t he design me in a way that makes me desirable and keeps me from getting bullied, overlooked, sneered and scoffed on, and hated on by society and media?